So, basically i went to Bangkok for a holiday which meant i skipped two days of school :D
I didn't mind but teacher did. LOL.
Teacher, relax lah :) You're not the one paying and it's not that a student can't go on a holiday during school. Missing a day or two won't make you stupid or smart :3
Chill kay :)
14th February, Tuesday
Back to school again :)
I gave the small souvenirs and such :)
Mel, Cai Yan, Yam, Xunaaa, Chua liked the hair coloring :3
I didn't get for everyone because not everyone appreciates it, LOL.
So it's Valentine's day :)
A really sweet day, full of love and such *plays Love Is In the Air*
And i celebrated it with my bed ;D
Yes, i slept like a log as i was so tired. LOL XD
I actually forgot that it was Valentines, guess it's cause there's no one special yet :)
15th February, Wednesday
Filled with the random fun-ness and such :)
16th February, Thursday
Since a few students from 4ST2 came up, Soo Yuen sat with us. Cai Yan didn't come as she went for a golf tournament, yesh she is awesome at it! :D So when teacher asks where she is, i'll tell her that Cai Yan's away at Petaling Street as a warrior XD
Physics was interesting :)
We used the carbon, the electric thingy and the plank plus some bricks and a car-like trolley for an experiment with the ticker tape. It was cool :D
In Maths, it was freaking epic :D
I wanted to give Yam a nickname :)
Convo ->
Me: Ehh, what about Eiffle, like Eiffle tower.
Him: No.
Me: Eiffle :D
Him: No no, wafer.
Me: Eiffle nicer!
Him: Wafer!
Me: Eiffle!
Him: Wafer!
Me: -.- What about.. Waffle? No no! Eiffer! :D
Him: =.=
LOLL XD so ended up, he gave up because he know the convo will last extremely long :3
Okay, the next thing is freaking epic :D
We were bored so we decided to write a parody of the 摇ah摇to the granny's house poem.
Here's how it goes. It's something to do with 摇,喊 and弄 ;D
We were laughing so hard after reading our masterpiece :)
It was me and Soo Yuen that thought about the provocative part. Xuan's the most innocent and responsible one, so she was like O.O
Cai Yan was missing so yeahh. LOL.
17th February, Thursday
The day was normal, until Sivik class. Puan Kalai came in. She's pretty cool, for me lah :)
So here's the thing, you know we have to borrow the textbooks from the SPBT or something right? So we were very very very blessed to get normal smelling books. Why?
Xuan got a terrible, awful, smelly, stinky, chao bi textbook. Its epic everytime Sivik class when we need to use the textbook, she leaves hers on the table and shares with me.
Being me, i take advantage of the situation and say:"See? I am so kind :3"
She rolls her eyes and lalalala~
Today was special, teacher let us have two free periods because nobody brought the idol's biography. LOL. Yes, i was lazy~ So i had this magical idea to play with Xuan's textbook. I took it and flapped it in her face, earning me a huge smack. LOL. Somehow, the four of us kept fooling around until we were laughing so hard. I had this ridiculous but epic idea. I went over to Yogi, Asyrul and Foong's place.
Then Asyrul sat a seat away from me and I asked him to look at the pages of the smelly book as I flip it in his face. I told him that a picture will form. Bullshit kan? XD
So he nodded and started staring at the book and I flipped it twice. He said there's nothing, i was like trying to hard not to laugh. Then Yogi sat in between us, i did the same and he was like "There's nothing la Ace!" That moment, the imaginary light shone on Asyrul and he started laughing like an insane person. In between his crazy laughing, he was like:"OHHHH! NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO BUAT LAH ACE!!!" LOL.
From there, the next 15 minutes, we both were laughing like hell and Yogi just stared at us speechlessly.
Then the back row, Er Zhao, Yam, Pei Yii and Lim Sheng joined our crazy laughing too. Pei Yii was like:"I wanna smell it! Ace! Bring it here!" LOLLOL.
Then Asyrul took it to the other side and showed his friends, and Dun He shoved it into Jian Chuan's face while he was eating. OMG weyhh, epic gila XD
Then Fatin was like:"What's so funny Ace?"
And i showed her and her friends. They were like going to faint as it smelt awful. But her friend beside her was like:"Tak bau apa pun?"
When i left, she was like hiding her face in her tudung and shouting:"OKAY OKAY, KIMAK! BUSUK BETUL!!!"
LOLLL, So yeah :) That was our Sivik class :)
The weekend was good :)
Church, vys and such.
20th February, Monday
I've become interested in paintball. I wanna try it but there ain't a chance :(
So i asked around about a place to play. Asiah told me there's a place opposite her house, its called Tanah Merah, near a jail.
So, me, Xuan, Cai Yan, Soo Yuen and Pei Yii were talking about it. We want to try it out.
Then Pei Yii asked :" What's the name again?"
I replied with a :"Tanah Merah, its a jail."
I didn't realize what i said okay, its epic when the four of them stared at me and started laughing.
I was like #facepalm when i found out what i said. OMG. LOL.
They were like:"Eh, Ace, can play at the jail there. Jom :P"
In BM class, we learnt the sajak about girls then and now. Nothing much lah. Just like the dressing and behaviour of now and then. Teacher passed us each a book to refer and she taught us from that book.
In that book, each paragraph is accompanied with a picture.
We kept laughing throughout the lesson. There was a girl drew there that looked like a transvestite, another looked just wrong. LOL. The men drew there were abnormal.
One looked like a pedophile, another a rapist, another a stalker and another a beggar. According to me lah. When teacher came, I was still laughing hard. The other 3 toned down and i was the only one laughing. Teacher was like O.o "Kenapa ni?"
And I was like:"Cikgu, look! :D kenapa dia look like a transvestite?"
With that, teacher smacked me with the marker pen and walked off smiling:)
Next class was Add math. Okay, i found out i had untouched Sejarah homework which was due in 20 minutes. I started doing it. My huge pink pencil box was on the right, sort of blocking teacher from looking in. Xuan was doing the same work too. Cai Yan and Soo Yuen were doing Maths. Technically, it was wrong but i didn't give a damn.
I had to lie when i was nearly caught.
I can't believe she bought it and let it go. Thank God weyh!
Then Xuan and Cai Yan and Soo Yuen gave me a tsk tsk tsk look, then i just smiled. I don't lie much, just when i have to :3
In Sejarah class, Puan Shanti was being boring. As usual, i started doodling. I drew a cat's eye . I showed it to Xuan. Xuan was like giving me the -.- look and drew the "-.-" sign. But just the eye there beside my cat's eye.
For some demented reason, i found that hilarious, so i started laughing. Unfortunately, my first laugh vowel was louder than the back. The class was like super quiet that time as Puan Shanti wasn't in a good mood. When Puan Shanti asked:"Who's laughing?!"
It was Xuan's turn to join me laughing. We were hiding our faces and like trying so hard not to laugh. Cai yan and Soo Yuen quickly turn away and didn't want to look at us. LOL.
Xuan obviously stopped laughing earlier than me, i couldn't stop kay. I found everything epic. I slapped myself and stopped laughing. Its a tactic i learnt :3
After i slapped myself, Xuan started laughing because i looked stupid slapping myself. When she laughed, it made me laugh again. So much for my tactic. Hahaa! :)
We continued laughing until school was over. Just 15 minutes, no biggie. LOL.
21st February, Tuesday
You know about my obsession with my hair color right? :3
Yesh, i love highlights and i put lemon in my hair and all that. In the lab, i always pray to get the window seat, that way when the sun shines in, it catches my hair color and i'll be like "Xuan look! Cai Yan! Got color mou? :DDD"
They'll be like laughing at me and all that :)
Today was special. This was what happened.
Xuan said everyone's hair memang brown under the sun and that my hair is naturally dark brown.
Then i was like:"But my parents both have black hair." Before they said anything, i was like:"Omg! Maybe I have an a mo lang's genes! I have an a mo as my ancestor! :D Maybe its James Brooke! I'm the lost heir to Sarawak and Sabah! I'm the lost princess!"
With that, we started laughing insanely. Its epic how i came up with that theory. It'll be cool though :)
23rd February, Thursday
"Ali suka makan Pei pei"
That was what i heard 4 times in BM class. Teacher kept saying that as an example for Bina Ayat.
I thought i was going crazy but Xuan and Cai Yan heard the same thing. LOL.
Pei, if you read this, know that when we grow older, i'll mention this to your kids and husband :3
There's a double meaning to "makan" btw~ LALALA~
25th February, Saturday
It's a special day for me :)
Its the first time i play for youth. It was really fun and it felt awesome :)
More to come i pray~
The next week was normal, kinda normal. Okay, the truth is i didn't record any of the epicness that happened -.-
On the 5th-8th of March, i had the term 1 test.
All i can say is that i thought biology would be the best out of the 3 science subjects. Boy, i was wrong.
BM was worst than bio. LOL. It was all tatabahasa, so i sucked at it.
I skipped school on Friday (9th March) as there was no exam. I found out i literally failed it. 33/40.
The odd thing was that I didn't feel sad at all.
It's the first paper which mattered in major exams that i failed. In my secondary life. Elee, mid term's essay will save my ass and abba father will jaga me :3
The weird thing is that me, Xuan, Cai Yan, Soo Yuen and Yam were the only ones who failed. LOL.
There's always next time :D
Then I'm off for a week's break and here i am now. Typing all this :)
I'm playing music for the miracle rally at church tomorrow night, its part of the DLS 1 package to graduate :) I don't really mind. LOL. DLS is finishing in a week :D
There's this girl, Sarah who's gaga for Ryan. LOL. Epicness :3
After the baptism and my parent's reaffirmation of vows, I have to go through the mid term exam then its straight to the cruise :D
I'm Freaking excited! :D
Peace, I'm out :)
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Be happy, always :) |
P/S Hey, sorry i had to cut alot of the stories :) It'll land me into an awkward position if certain people reads it. So yeahh :l The other blog kay? :)