Alright. It's already 12 th January 2012. I'm sitting here figuring out how to type everything into my blog.
So here goes :)
30th December 2011, Friday.
That day was great :D
We woke up early and left the house to pick up Aunty Sheryl and off to Penang we went.
It was okay lar, in the car. Just the 4 of us, Mum, Me, Ryan and Aunty Sheryl.
We took a stop in Ipoh and somehow nearly got lost in the small town -.- The GPS wasn't working. LOLL! We wanted to eat at the Pusing or something.. And it was closed so we ate at the weird shop called "Lim Ko Pi". Weird... But oh wells, we left and nearly took the wrong road into Lumut. Thank God mum turned around. LOLL, so we reached Penang around lunch time and stuff. Nothing much :)
31st December 2011, Saturday.
Alright, it's a day to be remember, actually.. night :)
Chim Po threw her 60th birthday party that night at G Hotel. It was awesome :D
Aunty Juliet came about 5. She was supposed to come at 5:30 so we'd leave together.
When she came, me, Ryan and Aunty Sheryl jumped up from the couch and raced upstairs to bathe. LOLL, yeahhh, LIKEANINJA XD Don't ask how we managed to get ready in 30 minutes. Using a bathroom. I was the last to shower anyways. I had to wear a dress, paired with beige stockings.
I still prefered jeans and converse though. LOL.
So i was the MC. I MC-ed in the middle and it was awesome i think. People actually listened and told me i was good. Everyone was in the party mood, except for some weird people.
So.. I sat with Hooi San, Hui Jen's fiance. She's super nice and awesome :D
Ryan sat beside me with Andrew, Ah Ghee Ko, Sharon and uncle Chiam, his wife and Aunty Nelly.
Andrew's 26 and he's super cool! Seriously! :D
Throughout the dinner, the music was playing. Jazz band. Chim Po's friend's son was really a good singer. There was dancing and singing and random moving about. LOL, the epicness XD
Then after glasses of wine and beer and such, it was when the real party started. There were like epic dancing and hooting and claps and screams. LOLLL.
Then me and Mae Ing hung out, when the train started in Michael Buble's Haven't Met you Yet, me and Mae Ing joined and pulled people in, eventually alot of people were dancing :DDD Then after that, after a few songs, i finally got Party Rock on the stereo and the younger generation started dancing and shuffling. EPICNESS :DDD <3
The countdown was great, after that, we started hugging and wishing each other Happy New Year! :D
So we went home and changed and went to Chim Po's house to hang out after that and i went home and showered and slept at 3:30am. LOLLL, EPICNESS XD
I'm really looking forward to May 2012, the cruise will be awesome. Tons of people will be there too :D Hooi San, Hui Jen, Hui Shern, Nigel, Mae Ing, Ah Teik Ko, Ah Sim Chi, Uncle Chiam and his wife, Uncle George, Ah Ghee Ko, Sharon and the list goes on and on and on.
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Me in a dress, not common eh? :) |
The four of us :) |
Me and Mae Ing, taking a stroll outside :D |
With Chim Po :D <3 |
1st January 2012, Sunday
The first day of 2012 :DDD <3
I made myself wake up at 10:30am. We wanted to go shopping for the iPad.
Ee came back from Krabi last night, and she went out partying and came back before us.
We went to Gurney and i got my 32gb iPad :D AMEN :D
The cover is around RM200, Ah Kong bought that for me, red :)
OMG i was so happy :'))) My prayers were answered. Thank You God!!! :D <3
After that, we had lunch and went home.
We reached home around evening and we unloaded and went out for dinner. LOL, So yeap :D
That was my first day of 2012 :)
2nd January 2012, Monday
Alright, so we rested and helped around the house for the day and evening, mum threw another dinner party for 2012 :D
Uncle Lawrence, Aunty Jac, Vanessa and Arnold came for dinner. So did Uncle Kean Choon and Aunty Wei Fang. Aunty Sheryl joined us later :D
So Me, Ryan and Arnold went to buy bread at 7-E. LOL XD
And we just hung out the night. It was fun :D
Thank God i got my facts right. I thought school started on the 3rd of Jan when it actually starts on 4th Jan. I was ready to go to sch the next day. Insane of me laaa weyh. LOLL!!!
3rd January 2012, Tuesday
Last day of school holidays :/
I got my things ready. Oh, and i took down the ornaments from the tree. Bye bye Christmas tree.
Went to Kumon and such. Nothing much. Dad went to Jakarta yesterday, coming back on Thurs night:)
4th January 2012, Wednesday
First day of school as a 16 year old :D
Thank God i woke up on time. LOLLL!!!
So went to school, met up with my friends, queue up and started the short "perhimpunan".
Then we queued up, Xuan in front of me, Seow in front of her, Pei behind me and Pei Erh behind her.
Alright, honestly for me, i can't sit with my legs closed. I have to open a lil'. IT HURTS.
Like.. 2 magnets repelling each other. LOLLL, But of course i don't give a free show la.
THEN, singing the songs... My school's cacat radio can't work so we had to sing with no music. Yeap, you can imagine how it went. I was laughing so much. Yeap, i tend to laugh during inappropriate times. LOLLL XD
So after that, we settled down and waited for them to sort the form 3s into their classes. Took so long =.= Then it's our turn. I was praying to get SC2. Me, Xuan and Cai Yan plus Aida, Narvieana, Yogi and Afiq got sent to SC1. I was like D': *Dramatically NOOOOO-ing* LOL.
SC1 was the class where all the RK students were. A class students were there too. Thankfully, Hazirah and her friend who i know too, plus Yenn and her friends, Winnis, Pei Yii, Yam and Er Zhao and Linges, Thenesh, Sanjeeve, Parvathi, Shree and a few others. Oh, the RK guys were there too, somehow i know the guys better. Foong, Jian Chuan, Dun He, Asyrul, YG and Ifwat. Like that lar :)
OH YEAH, there was racism or prejudice-ism.
I don't care if you're a racist. As long as it's not directed to me or my friends.
Our crazy doodle :) <3 |
5th January 2012, Thursday
Alright, today class starts. 60 students. Teacher teaching and i can actually hear what she's saying..
Me, Cai Yan and Xuan sit together at the back of the class. Then Yam was around our perimeter with er Zhao and his friends, no table. LOL.
Alright, i was dreaming and talking about my dream house and dream items. LOL. I drove Xuan and Cai Yan up the wall.
I want a grand piano on a glass platform above a pond with bright lights. Then a glass roof so i can play under the rain without getting wet. AND i can play under the starts :D <3
LOL, so they were staring at me like i was insane. LOL. Then I added that i don't mind a Diamond Piano :D <3 AND in my future dream house, i want my own McD, Dominoes and such. LOLL, AND a waterfall with the back studded with diamonds, gemstones. LOLLOLLOL!!! :D <3
Yam was like speechless and amused? He was like shaking his head LOL.
Cai Yan was like O.Olll
Xuan was like =.O"
6th January 2012, Friday
OHKAY OHKAY!!! I <3 My english teacher! :DDD
She gave us a topic "Who nags you the most? Why? How do you feel? What do you wish the person would do?" And ask us to get into group mininum 3, maximum 8. The thing is she will choose the first person to speak in front of the class. The person will choose someone else from another group.
So Xuan, Cai Yan, Haz, Aida, plus her dear friend and I 1 group. We get along well :D
They were betting i'd get called up. LOL. I said impossible.
So few people started first. Jian Chuan, Yg were funny :D After Thenesh, Linges was shouting to call me .___. and i was like O_O
So i went up and i started talking : Alright, so all of us have someone who nags us. Some of us who aren't lucky, get more than 1. So... the person who nags me is....."
Jian Chuan cut me and said:"Puan GOH???" LOL, it's his mom.
I replied "Nope, she's ur mum! Why would she nag me? The person who nags me is a teacher at this school. I can't say her name, or the black ops would hunt me down. She nags me about practically- iSH, okay ya know, some teachers are under the impression that on Prom Night, every girl will lose her Virginity."
At that, the guys were like clapping and suddenly listening. LOL that was hilarious.
Jian Chuan was like standing up:"ACE!!! REWIND REWIND!!!" OMG LOLL, i was laughing! XD Then i continued "Why she nags me you may ask? she's paranoid and omg she's just being ridiculous! I feel pissed, fed up, annoyed and TL."
Then teacher asked me what was TL. And i was like "Shit, did i say that out loud?" ANd i told her it was the meaning of extrememly pissed in Hokkien. LOL.
"So i just wish she would stop being so paranoid that every girl will lose their virginities now and that not everyone is 'hiao'. That's all. Thank you!"
LOLLLL, and they were laughing and clapping, including teacher. 3rd day epicness :D
A sweet memory :) <3
Oh yeahh, quite many people were like shivering. Literally shaking in fear and nervousness. Poor guys and girl. LOL. We're used to it so it's not that scary for us. Us as in, cai yan, yenn, yam, jian chuan, Yg, me and a few others. One guy was shaking so hard that it was obvious from the back. Poor thing :X
So yeaaap, later in the evening, i found out i leaned against the board while talking. LOL, i don't know if that's a good thing but Yenn said it's cool. LOL, i didn't notice that i was doing it.
An amazing day :) <3
7th January 2012, Saturday
So my music lesson moved to Sundays. I went to youth. It was good :)
Sat with Jonathan and my bro and Jonathan's friend. All of us were wearing converse. Red, black, red, black in a row. NICE kan? XD
So i started helping as an usher at the door. Then i stayed back for fellowship then the meeting. I walked in late as usual. LOL, fashionably late kan? I wanted to walk in with swag but i canceled the swag this round. Usually i'll like it but this time it was damn -awkward-. Esther was like asking me to come in, and she introduced me and everyone was staring. AWKWARD. AWKWARD. AWKWARD! So i sat at the back quietly. LOL, so yeap. i start duty in 2 weeks :) Alternate weeks. I'll be going to vys more often :)
8th January 2012, Sunday
The usual, went to church, hung out with Fiona.
Alright in the morning i was supposed to go to praise team together with my bro and Eileen Loo. But since alot of people on the stage so we just went back to class and hung out with Su Lynn and Jonathan. Jeremy was there too but he was quiet. I don't know what to talk to him abt so yeah. LOL. He's nice, i guess :)
Then i didn't go to 2nd service, i was there for vys, it's the same message anyway. Then uhhh... We went for lesson. Ended up teacher got stuck in a jam and couldn't make it so he'll replace my class next week.
Came home, tidy up and such. That's my Sunday :)
9th January 2012, Monday
It was a boring day. Trust me. BORING.B-O-R-I-N-G.
We were made to sit and listen to some PMP. Program Maju Pelajar.
The whole day, and the half of the following day.
It's sort of like.. making us get to know each other. Nothing much lar. Just super boring.
There was a game where i had to be the artist and Ifwat the pelakon.
Ended up i drew the things separated. LOL.
And the worst thing is i didn't know i was supposed to talk abt it infront. I wrote "Sexy and we know it - 7" I had to talk about it and i was like "DAMN."
So it went:" I know you're wondering what this is. Yeap We're sexy and we know it! Right group 7?!" And guess what happened next. The group 7 was quiet until Yenn started Whooo-ing and clapping. THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME FROM DYING OF EMBARRASSMENT YENN :'D <3
Come on you guys, you're 16. Hold on to 16. Live your life. LOL :)
Then there was the camwhore incident. One of the teachers stood infront of me, Pei, Jing and Soo Yuen. We were sitting down. Then ryte, me and Soo Yuen were looking at the same direction.
The teacher held the camera down and out like she wanted to camwhore liao.
It took a few seconds to process what was going on. Then me and Soo Yuen looked at each other at started LOL-ing our asses off! XDDD Good times XD
I don't know if she clicked the button though. LOL.
At night i had the DLS at RLC :) i learnt alot. It'll probably last for 3 months.
10th January 2012, Tuesday
There was the first meeting for the clubs today :)
I went in the English club. And i got the Assistant Secretary position. Anne nominated me. The RK students, form3 voted me. LOLL. Thanks, you guys. But i've never had a position ever. So yeap, give me a hand when i need it :) Love yah <3
Sanjeeve was the Vice president. The president and secretary and one more position held by form 5's :) Phuja got the assistant something. LOL.
Me, Phuja and Shafinaz, the secretary were talking. Then Sanjeeve came and said:"Hi, may i join your convo?" LOL. So i said we were talking abt girl things and he lagi interested to join in. Then i said :" Just kidding. We were discussing the type of underwear you wear. Boxers or the underwear type?" :5 Phuja was like Yeap yeap :P
Then he said:" Horny. *points at me* Horny *Points at Phuja*" LOLL good memories XD
So yeap. We spent time in class until after rehat we had to finish the PMP.
The counsellor kept talking abt our future and abt IPTA and IPTAS. She expected us to know. Okay, i don't know about it because i'm not really involved or that attentive to the Unis and Colleges in Malaysia. I have a few in mind only, Taylor's, Tunku Jaafar and something else. That's all. I prefer the ones overseas. HONESTLY.
Then hear the counsellor talk lar. That's how wonderful my morning to afternoon was.
One of em said in BM:"People shouldn't ponteng. See? All the straight A students didn't ponteng class or ponteng school." OMG I TELL YA. I WAS LOL-ing so much. I ponteng-ed and such and i lived my life and yet it's still straight A's. Know why? God helped me la :D
In the evening i had BM class. Teacher was amazing as usual :)
She briefed us on the "Papa" novel. IT WAS FREAKING HILARIOUS!!! :DDD
I was laughing the whole time during the ending. She called it novel Picisan. Roadside novel. LOLL!!!
It was written by a housewife who was inspired to write it after watching a hindu movie, a malay movie and a chinese movie. LOLL, damn epic weyhhh!! XD
I'll blog about it soon. Not now lar, but soon.
Then DLS and came back late. I was so tired :/ it was worth it though :)
11th January 2012, Wednesday
I woke up feeling extremely tired.
Had the sports meeting. I chose basketball this year. I need a sport. I NEED IT. i guess i'll be at the basketball court more often this year. ISH.
So yeap. School's usual lar :) Epicness in class :)
I'll blog abt the burger story. Hold on :D LOL.
12th January 2012, Thursday (Today)
Today we had the uniform meeting. I terpaksa masuk Wudo. No choice :/
So i sat at the back with Huda, Aida, Haz and Syaz. So yeap :)
Oh and Abhi and his friends. I talked to Abhi and Huda and Aida more lar of course, they were nearer and it was more convenient. LOL :)
Abhi is really cool. We both watch the same epic movies so we were playing disaster questions.
1) If the zombie apocalypse happens and our school is taken over by zombies, will you fight or hide?
2) If the crocs from Lake Placid comes out from the aeration pond thingy beside The Store, what will you do? LOLL.
After that, we talked about movies, not questions. It was really awesome. LOL :D
Then yeapp in class. English class was epic. We had to do the visual presentation. I did my Jackson Pollock 2. LOL. I tried my best :) hope it was good enough. It's like i said "Blue represents the color of my mind and what's going on." I meant freedom! REALLY!!! :P
But the class was sooo dirtyy and horneh. LOLL. TSK TSK TSK.
OMG you can guess what happened :B
Then when i said "green represents innocence and purity" they tak percaya me!!! LOLL, am i thaaaat bad? :P
LOL, oh wells :) it was fun XD
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My notes :D |
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Jackson Pollock 2 :D |
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In kumon with Ben-Ben, my tutor :D |
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Dinesh :D |
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Ting and I in English class :D |
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Yu Xian, Ting's eye and I :D |
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