♥We do not remember the Days, We remember the Moments♥

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Debate 101 in Ace's World (Part 1)

Hey guys! Ya know how debate season is starting? Well wait, it has already started.
This year, the inter-form debate competition will be hosted by our school, obviously. And Anne, Sanjeeve, Pei Yii and I are hosting it. Well, we'll be adjudicating. Something i look forward to. The reason we will be holding this competition is to look for talents to take over as well as show that the English society does things. Killing two birds with a stone.
Oh right, as you know, Chinese New Year was last week. I went back to Penang. I had a great time and i'll blog about that next time. But anyways, when nosey relatives ask me what i do in school in a completely competitive way, i tell them I'm a school debater. With that, they have nothing to say.

People ask me why I love debate and why it means so much to me. Simple.
Debate has become part of my life. Growing up, i just needed to speak. If i don't talk, i'll feel stressed. LOL, its true, still it ;)
Well, debate is all about passion and the fire. It's not a game or an after school activity. It's a war out on a gory battlefield. I love it because of the adrenaline rush it gives me every time the first minute is up and I'm up there talking and affirming my stand. It's how you twist, turn and manipulate the topic to your advantage.
For our school, our team's motto is Grace, Poise and Awesomeness. We always go in with our pokerfaces and with the attitude of not only beating the other team but crushing them as well as blowing them up too. I do hope we'll go far this year as we're definitely giving it 101%. But who knows right? In the end, it's God's will.

Oh right, and senior year has been treating me very well. I'm enjoying every moment. There's the trips to colleges and campuses for our future too so yeah:) There are them dramas too but oh well, what's life without unwanted drama?

Well, it's past my curfew. A new thing set by dad :l
I got to go, nights :)

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~James Stark~
~House of Night Novel, Tempted~