♥We do not remember the Days, We remember the Moments♥

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Debate Season 2012

Yeap, i officially call this period of time i was absent from my blog .
So i've been like staying back nearly every day after school from like 19th March till now.
I've been like super busy and stuff.
So basically, i've been shortlisted to become the 2nd speaker of the debate team of 2012 :)
I'm so not going to go into details, i'm just going to say after all the auditions and short listings, Hidayah became the first speaker, I'm the second and Anne's the third :D
Pei Yii, Syaza, Sanjeeve and Aireen are our reserves :D
I was taught to use my pokerface :D
Our motto this year is "Grace, Poise and Awesomeness" :D

So we worked so hard and prepared for our topics and such.
There's the first motion THBT The government should loosen its policies against foreign artists but we by passed that motion along with Bukit Gading so we had to have the contest on the second motion about THBT University Students should be involved in politics on the 26th March at SMK Taman Ehsan 2.
Did you know to get to that school from our school, fuyohhhh weyh! I tell ya we had to drive past Tasik Biru which i did not know existed. It was epic kayy XD

Btw, we won that round as the opposition. I was nervous that time but it went well. Thank God :)
When the 1st and 2nd speaker of Bukit Gading gave their speech, the first thing that went through my mind was "Is that English?" Yes, i didn't get what they were saying. It didn't sound like english to me. I'm not being mean, i'm stating the truth. Plus, they contradicted themselves, alot. So i guess that's why we won :D

So the next round, which was today, the motion was THBT Privatisation is the best method to achieve economic growth. For the most of last week, we were out of class and in the library brainstorming. We wanted to win lah, obviously. We were like working so hard.
Today, 3rd April was the Quarter Finals against Bandar Baru. Guess what happened?
W.E. L.O.S.T.
I can't blog so much information here. Its a long story. SIGH.

But, what done is done. Its okay though, i sort of doubt bandar baru can last the next round..
At least we lost with dignity :)
That's not the end, we should have been back at school a little after 12pm.
Instead, we detoured and went to McD to celebrate our awesomeness and hard work :D
It was epic btw :D

After that we went  back to school. Anne and I went to Joy's place to change my shoes back and stuff. I literally tried my best to avoid being seen by my friends, being in a pengawas uniform will ruin my image kay :P

So after i came home, i showered and slept. I woke up, had food and went tuition and back i came, not caring about the homework and ate and watched Glee. LOL
I used to think Sebastian was cute before he threw the rock salt slushee at Blaine and causing him to be blinded in an eye :(

Anyways, it was an awesome Debate season :D

Hold on, hold on. This ain't the end of the post. I'm going to blog about the epicness DURING debate season :D
Let's start :3 -> -REWINDS TIME-

23rd March, Friday
Yes, i'm going to blog about Sivik lesson. It was epic :3
See, before Sivik, we had maths. So during sivik, many people were doing Maths. Thank god we stopped doing maths a long time before teacher came in. LOL. SO thing was, teacher came in and waited 15 minutes before she became fed up and asked why people were still doing.
It was funny when it came to Jian Chuan's answer. He tried to stall and say that maths is important in our future. It sort of failed because teacher was like:" So are you saying in your family, you communicate with maths? 1-I Love you, 2- I hate you, 2- Good morning?! You and your mathematical minds."
It was supposed to be scary but it was freaking hilarious! XD
She kept going on about mathematical minds and hearts. It was just funny lahh. i can't even explain it in my blog.

Oh yeah, during maths, teacher taught us about coordinates, i think. The epic thing was that teacher made a comment and said that we need coordinates in our everyday lives. Then my awesome mind wondered about it. You know i know XD

27th March, Tuesday
Today was funny in a twisted way XD
So the thing was in BM class, we continued discussing about the papa novel. So teacher gave us photostated questions to do. Then we did it and i asked teacher about the first question. Why did the mak cik tegur Julia for being too close to the dad.
Teacher said its because Julia is already a big girl and its inappropriate for her to be "mesra" with her father. I tell you, when she said that i was choking on my laughter. It was so wrong on so many levels!
OMG weyh, when she walked away, i laughed like an orang gila. Cai Yan, Soo Yuen and Xunaaa were like giving me WTF is wrong with you look. LOLL.
So i explained and they were like EW. EWW. EWWW.
When i went over to ask teacher again about why can't Julia be manja. I started laughing before the question even got out of my mouth. Foong and Yogi were like looking at me with the HUH look. Haz had that amused look. LOL, its funny for me!
When i finally asked teacher, she explained again that Julia is like that. Then i was like:"Cikgu, maksud cikgu 'mesra' tu..."
Then teacher smacked me with a paper and walked away trying not to smile.
Its still funny for me. Plus very disturbing!

Sanjeeve ahh, he kept talking about his subway sandwich. You know i know XD

In Chemistry, Winnis and Yenn were literally choosing their wedding songs for the future. It was funny was Winnis tried to sing the olden chinese songs. LOLL.
Then right, we were learning about the formulas. Like copper and oxygen becomes copper oxide and the special writing like ca2ci or something lahhh.
Being bored, i was like reading out everything. Like H2 is Hydrogen. Then H2O is water. I was like saying "HO." over and over again.
Like CaCi. I was like "CaCi CaCi. Xuan! CaCi!" I was bugging my friends that way, they were like laughing at my weirdness and cue the pokes :P

29th March, Thursday

In Physics, we were given an international Science quiz. When the four of us, Me, Xuan, Cai Yan and Soo Yuen saw the papers. We were like O.o
So we did the awesome. We did 15 questions each and exchanged answers. There were 60 questions. I only truly could answer 2 or 3 in that paper. It was funny XD

We were in the library after school for the debate practice.
Teacher was saying how much we divert the topic instead of focusing. Then suddenly, they changed topic and talked about Victor. LOLLOLLOL. Then Sanjeeve was like whispering to all of us quite loudly, saying "Teacher says we divert the topic. Look at them now, they're doing the same."
As usual, we started laughing when all the teachers looked at us. LOL.

30th March, Friday
It was fun skipping the whole day of class and being in the library researching on privatisation :3
We learnt alot. Like how according to Sanjeeve, privatisation which puts more burden on people will make the economy grow.
You see, Sanjeeve said that when the companies are privatised, the prices will go up. When prices are up, people will be burdened. When people are burdened, they die. When the more people die, the less the welfare company has to pay. This leads to the growth of economic growth.
LOLLOL, When Sanjeeve said that, we were all laughing. It's stupid, but it makes sense XD

Then right, when Miss Thusha was away, her phone rang. We thought it was a house phone actually. LOL. Then when she picked up the phone, she was smiling so happily. Then me, Anne, Hidayah and Sanjeeve had the same thought in our minds :3
Teacher went away to take the call then we started discussing on who it was.
Long story short, it was decided that it was her boyfriend. At the end after the tons of questions, we found out that it was her nephew asking if she was coming home for lunch.
We're all epic :3

#The teachers nowadays are quite cool :) They understand the jokes yet they choose to go along and laugh with us :D

31st March, Saturday
So this was the day we gathered at Anne's place to practice debate. Pei Yii and I were quite early. I had to wake up at 8 to be there at 9 mind you. Its so hard for me to wake up in the mornings :3

Anne's sister, Sarah was adorable :D
Gabe was being gabe. LOL.
I had to go early around 1pm. I had lunch and went off to tutorial.
When i left the house, i noticed teacher text me. She couldn't make it.
So ended up, i sat at the cafe in rlc working on the debate with Leonard's help. He's really nice :)
Since today got altar call, i had usher duty too. My job was to make sure the queue flowed well.
One thing pissed me off. I honestly HATE it when people call me by smacking me. I literally HATE it.
I'm not an animal. I don't need some dumbass to hit me when calling me.
She could just call my name. That girl pissed me off. Even on Sundays she does it.
I got pretty pissed. RAWR.

After service, we went back to brp. Joyce's birthday :D
She's so adorable! :D
Yesh, she's Kat's lil' sister. So we had "lok-lok" and stuff for dinner which was awesome :D
We hung out lah. It was fun :)

1st April, Sunday
I totally forgot about this special day :3 LOL.
Church was great:) Had fun and learnt alot. I had back up so it was cool too :)
So in the cafe, we joined tables and Su Lynn, Su San, Jonathen, Ian, Ryan and I were hanging out. Then right, Su San's hot guy radar sensed a guy walk past.
Its an amo guy. He's like going to be 30 or something. She went gaga for him and I went gaga for his hair. His hair is amazing! The curls were like OMG I TELL YOU and the COLOR :D <3 honey blonde :D <3
So we went and be friendly and stuff :) He's a german guy visiting his friend so his friend brought him to rlc :D

2nd April, Monday
Epicness as usual :)
We learnt the art of tie seducing. LOLLOL. Soo Yuen started it. LALALA~

3rd April, Tuesday
Debate Quarter Finals against Bandar Baru.
Let me tell you the epicness of the day :3
Oh yeah, i had to wear Joy's prefect uniform. I tore the sides a lil in the morning. 3:
Its so hard to walk in. LOL.

We went to school and sort of waited for Hidayah. She threw up in the car and she had to go back and get cleaned up. Sad thing was she threw up on her debate cards. So it was a problem but we pulled through :)
Pei Yii and Aireen went with Teacher Jess in her car.
So in the car, Sanjeeve sat in front with Teacher Razanna who was awesome btw :D
Me, Hidayah and Anne sat at the back. Since we were going to be late, we were quite touchy.
Then right, since we were driving on the "country road" we were like "OMG teacher, drive faster! Wahh teacher, you're driving at 40! Omg what a bad-ass! Teacher wahh naik 45 dy! FUYOHH!"
So that was what happened all the way, to and fro. We were laughing non-stop with teacher too. LOOLL XD
So on the road, there was this douche-bag traffic light.
It literally allowed 2 cars to go at one time and the red light was so freaking long. We were like so worried that we were late. We were all screaming and laughing hysterically in the car XD
Then when we finally go pass. We were like:"OMG LIKE FINALLY!!!"

So the contest went by and we lost. Shyt right? ISH. tak pe lah.
At least we lost with dignity and we knew that we should have won.

It was an epic day. I thank everyone :) They made it so memorable for me :D
We're like family now :D
Thanks to the debate we're closer :D
I love you guys so much :)

4th April, Wednesday
Today was cool :D
BM teacher didn't come. LOL.
There was oral in BI class, although i don't need to do oral as teacher gives me marks based on the debate but i still feel like doing it :D
Weird, i know.
There was chess competition, so many teachers were busy and other students from other school came. We tried to look for hot guys but failed. As Sanjeeve said, its CHESS. No hot guy plays chess. LOLL.
So in Bm, we were so noisy at the back. Sanjeeve and Jerry who were opposition against Cai Yan and I government, we were practicing debating. The topic got out of hand lah XD

Then right, in BI class, Priya's oral topic was awesome. Its about how to live longer.
As a married couple, you should have sex regularly to live longer. LOLLOLLOL XD
During Thivia's oral topic about horoscopes, we were listening at first. Suddenly, i smelt something weird. A combination of smelly socks, sweat and perfume. It smelt downright weird.
I immediately knew what it was without turning around.
Xuan was like rubbing her nose, she obviously tak suka the smell. Then i looked at her and whispered.
After that, i turned at saw. My guess was right.
I have a strong and awesome nose. Its a gift i'm proud of, sometimes.
Then i asked Cai Yan if she smelt anything. She started smelling the air. Literally sniffing it.
She said no at first then i started LOL-ing with Xuan.
After awhile she pun smelt it and she was like"Ohhh, its her."
Then right, for some stupid reason, i was laughing hysterically. Then i tried to ask Soo Yuen if she smelt anything funny. But ended up, i couldn't ask her. Why? I was obviously laughing till my stomach cramped. Cai Yan had to ask her and she was like no at first then yes.
Some reason, I'm the only one that laughed thaaaat long.
But hey~ according to Priya, laughing extends the life span :3

So just now at Kumon, I hung out with ShiYun at her table. She's a tutor and she's so awesome :D
She's like 19 or 20 :D

Then at the end, i sat at the back with Joy Joy, my lil' sista:D
Just 6 months apart but we're close. She's the best sister i ever had :D

Okay, i'm going to stop blogging like.. now :D
Nights :3
Su Lynn's Origami :D

Yenn and I :D

Su Lynn, Su San & I :D

P/S I am so sorry you guys. I had to cut alot of parts out. As I said, smart asses are sent to stalk me. Its all in the other blog. Sorry, but you guys know what happened XD
You know, I know, we all know~

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~James Stark~
~House of Night Novel, Tempted~