So as you know, the debate season just passed.
In one of my previous posts, i've expressed how much debate means to me. I just don't get the idiots who can come and tell me to my face that debate is easy, that thinking of the points is easy, that setting a parameter is easy, that thinking of rebuttals is easy, that writing and rewriting the speech is easy. I just don't get these people. It's honestly what I love. The first minute is always nerve-wrecking but then after that, its fire, flames and adrenaline.
I need to feel the fire, the fear, the rush of adrenaline, the pressure, the panic, the butterflies and the rush of excitement debate brings. I just need it.
Since the week before the holidays until April 16th, I had the time of my life. It was a really good experience, every debate we went to, memories were made and I'm really thankful for it:) Every day we stayed back at school and brainstormed, had diction sessions, grooming sessions and sessions where we just talked and laughed, was worth it :) The team this year -> Da best ever;) Our teachers were all cool, sweet, supportive and funny. The teammates all have chemistry and a strong bond ;) Trust me on that. HAHAHAA :P And we have nicknames which all signify something, well at least for Dragon and I. LOL. Joy's the
Princess. Anne's
The Whip even though it sounds wrong, Aireen's
Gangsta Momma, Illie is
Illie Lily, Sanjeeve, my other half is
Mozart the Dragon and well..
Teacher named me DragonSlayer and the team calls me Bambi. Therefore, I am
Bambi the DragonSlayer. There's an extremely ironic story behind that. You know i know ;)
Sanjeeve is seriously my other half. We come in a set. A set of special mythical beings. That's just it. He's my special replacement and he's like my brother. You should honestly see us during mock debates. All hell breaks loose :3
We went against Ideal Heights in Round 1, SMK Kepong in Round 2, BBSB in the Quarter Finals, SMK Taman Desa in the Semi Finals and finally, we lost to Hillcrest in the finals. We ranked 2nd, its not bad, ever since Mishen Kumar left, BRP's debate team never made it past the 2nd round due to certain reasons I shall not mention. *coughs*
I think the most interesting debate was round 2 against SMK Kepong. "Capital Punishment is the best crime prevention method". It was my favorite topic ;) Hahaa! I was being really over the top and super dramatic. I was basically like a growling tigress. Okay fine. A growling kitten. I had to defend human lives. Being emotional is a no-no but then again, I was supposed to defend human rights and lives and so on, so playing the emotional, humanity-lover, drama-queen card really worked for the motion. Thank God. They said I actually looked and sounded like I really cared. I'll never forget the comments i received after that ;)
I know I found that debate the most interesting, mainly because of the apple analogy. Ahahaa! Good memories:) Their 2nd speaker was good. There was a really gorgeous pakistani guy. He's really good looking omg. Its okay, its not like the Kepong debate team will ever read this. Oh, I also didn't appreciate the hecklers. -eyerolls-
The team that really stole my heart was SMK Taman Desa, they were all professional and such friendly gentlemen omg :') I died inside when they were all so sweet during the debate. The first speaker was simply amazing. Seriously. We went for "tea" as the first speaker, Dharshan put it. LOLL!
And finally, I need to blog about Hillcrest. They were good. They were very sweet, professional and gentlemen-ish as well. The best part is that we became friends after that :D Seriously. Don't be that surprised. It was a competition but then after that, there aren't any rules against that.
Obviously as a debater, i was disappointed we lost but at the end, my happiness outweighed my sadness. Does it make me crazy to say that i was actually kind happy we made it that far and gave our best shot? It was so near yet so far but then, I don't know why I feel happy about it.
No, i have not been drinking and I am not high =.=
To be honest, in the first few rounds, i gave off the impression of being a biatch, it was someone i really am not. Unless you piss me off, then yeah :P I feel kind of bad, having to put up a tough front, like you should have seen me, I know i was a bitch, i had that look on my face. At the end of the day, it is a competition after all. Friendship dies in debate. Before and after everything is back to normal but then during the debate? You get the picture. So yeah, after the competition then I'm back to normal, but then ya know what they say, First impression counts and I gave off a terrible first impression. Even though some hold grudges, i'm really glad that some of the other debaters gave me a chance to be me, ya know, who i really am after the competition.
I really like the friendship built and friends I made throughout the competition :) I won't list out names but you know who you are ;) Thanks for giving me the chance to be me and not some random debater from BRP.
Another reason why I'm so drawn to debate even more this year is because i know it would keep me busy. I need something to keep my occupied, i don't want my mind to rest because i know i'd keep thinking about the things that happened. Sure, debate brings unnecessary stress, sleep deprived nights and voice loss. Seriously, i had to drink honey and lemon all the time. I even brought a bottle of it to the first two rounds. At the end of the day, the pros outweigh the cons.
I want the team to know how much I love them and how much they all mean to me:) Yes, including the teachers of course. We've been through thick and thin, sleepless nights and early mornings, frustration and tension, laughter and joy, smiles and frowns, gossip and facts and tons of private jokes together. I'll cherish every memory and i know i'll never fail to smile every time i walk down memory lane :) I love you guys :)
We really thank everybody who has helped us to make it so far:) The support, the friends, the families, the educators of course, and of course, God :) Because without Him, we would never had made it that far. Seriously. True story bruh. I can tell you so many stories and incidents that just happened and yeah, you can see why I am so thankful to Him :) Reading this, you can call me religious and pious and boring but i want to remind you, I'm proud of who I am and thankful for everything God has done for me. And the stereotype you're probably building against me is invalid by the way, ask anyone that has been in the same class as me ;) And EH, I obviously am not going to shave and become a nun, I'm not thaaaaat religious. Okay i'll stop venting now. LOL.
So yeahh, that's Debate 2013, the final one of my senior year ;)
P/S Good luck to Hillcrest in their future competitions :) Make Gombak proud. Stayyy cool :D
Debate 2013 :3 Minus the Mozart the Dragon. He was late. |
All the paperwork :3 |
Mozart the Dragon :) Since he's always missing in pictures. |
The team 2013 ;) Minus the Dragon since he was MIA. |