♥We do not remember the Days, We remember the Moments♥

Friday, November 23, 2012

My take on the future:)

Okay, so life's been pretty good:)
Checked the SAPS today, I passed everything thankfully, just hopefully i can score next year:)
Yes, i know what you're thinking"OMG, you're such a nerd."
But hey, it's sort of for my future which is something i really care about even though you see me playing around alot.

The future is important to me, i honestly don't understand the people who throw their future away and just saying"Oh, i don't care about my results anymore" or "It's not even SPM/PMR/a big exam". If you're going to put it that way, then it's never going to matter. Just saying.
And for the saying "Results are not everything" and "You're not going to wear the results on a signboard around your neck, so relax". Bullshit. That's partially true but face it. Results DO matter up till a certain extent. Reality sucks but yeah.
AND~  for the people that take exams and the results too seriously and get competitive over every single thing? Wake up. EQ matter as much as IQ. If you have both then great. Yeah the competitive ones really deserve a hi5 on the face. I'm not saying to slack, i'm just saying loosen up. If you take it too seriously, shit will happen.
As what i tell a friend of mine "It's good that you're taking exams seriously, but don't forget the meaning of life."

Therefore, take a breather and don't get your panties in a twist.

The future is thaaaaat important to me. I really like guys who know what they want in life and have a future. It's the sense of security.
So anyways, we can't tell or predict the future. Only God knows:)
But i do know one thing, live life as it is every day and make the best out of everything.

So as i said at the beginning of this post, I hope i can score next year:) And yeah, you're probably going to call me a nerd. But seriously, I'd do anything I can for my future even though i honestly fool around and have fun everyday :) Of course, i know God's there to help me:3
I believe in working hard and playing hard:)
That part of me isn't going to change.

I'm going to enjoy my senior year 2013 and SMK BRP Rahman Putra Heights is going to have the best batch of seniors ever ;)

Cheers and raise your glass ;)

Taken on the last few days of my form 4 school life:)

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"I will do anything to keep your heart safe. Even if it means mine has to stop to let that happen."
~James Stark~
~House of Night Novel, Tempted~